Epicor Financial Planner - Podcast
Audio Article | EFP- Business Budgeting Apps: How Effective Are They?
November 15, 2022
According to polls, one of the primary goals of finance managers is to enhance their planning and forecasting. Despite technology developments, budgeting and forecasting remain significant issues for many firms, regardless of size or industry. Businesses require a financial budgeting system to keep tabs on corporate spending and generate accurate invoices. Manual budgets and spreadsheets are rarely considered when building a corporate or personal budget. It turns out to be a time-consuming and challenging task. Several successful companies are overcoming budgeting and forecasting challenges by incorporating new technologies, such as business budgeting apps and following progressive companies' lead in adopting best practices. They can use these systems to develop realistic budgets, save time, increase collaboration, and make more competent judgments. Listen to the podcast.

EFP offers an in-depth and sophisticated solution for reporting & analysis, consolidation, budgeting, and dashboarding to complement your use of ERP system.

EFP strikes a unique balance between offering heavy weight FP&A features and ease of use.

Visit: www.efpcloud.com