Rock Your Retirement Show
Section 16: Barbara's RV Retirement Adventure Part 2
November 29, 2021
Kathe Kline talks with Barbara Mock about retirement lifestyle and her RV Retirement Adventure.
We’re back with another update from Barbara’s RV retirement adventure! And boy, has it proven to be adventurous! Barbara is going to tell us about the ups and downs of their most recent travels. From watching sunsets on the beach to sweating through heavy traffic in their big rig, she and her husband already have quite a bit of experience under their belts.
Barbara teaches us why traveling in and owning an RV is a lot like retirement - until you’re in the thick of it, you don’t really know what it’s going to be like. You may have to make some changes and try some new things, but in the end, it’s bound to work out.
For those of you thinking about trying out the RV life, Barbara has some beginner tips and tricks.
●     Really understand the differences in RVs and know what you’re paying for in a more or less expensive rig.
●     Everyone on board should know how to handle the working parts - water and electric hookups included.
●     On your first few trips, keep a list of things you need (or don’t need) for the next trip.
●     If you see someone setting up camp for the first time, don’t try to help unless they ask - it’s an unwritten RV rule.
And lastly…
●     When you’re on the move, make sure everything is bolted down!
Even with all the lessons along the way, Barbara and her husband have already experienced so many memorable moments with their family and friends - moments that without an RV, she would never have had.  
In Kathe’s world, things are BUSY! She is right in the middle of the craziest time of year for Medicare - the Annual Election Period. That means that for now, she’s living vicariously through Barbara - as a lot of us probably are!
We hope you enjoy the latest episode of Rock Your Retirement!

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