I.T. Overdrive
True Hacker Story - A Ransomware Experience You Want to Avoid
June 29, 2021
Network security is currently a hot topic, but it's always been big with us. Hackers are always working to find new ways to pry their way into business networks, unfortunately. And their goals are usually nefarious. Lately we've heard some high profile stories involving ransoms demanded from hackers using ransomware, which will lock your files until you pay up. We certainly have solutions and systems for keeping these bad actors out, but we also have some experience getting access back after these criminals have hacked a network. Today I'm telling a true story of a ransomware event with one of our clients. This ended costing the client a lot more than if the software we had been recommending for quite some time had been installed. This sort of thing doesn't just happen to big companies with super deep pockets. Often, smaller companies with older and weaker security systems in place make easier targets for these type of hacks. You likely won't hear about them very often, because these companies don't want their customers and prospects to know they were hacked, it would put a big dent in their trustworthiness. Listen in and if you have any questions give us a call. We're happy to answer any questions and give a recommendation if you think this could happen to you. Get all links, resources and show notes at https://itoverdrivepodcast.com/5
Network security is currently a hot topic, but it's always been big with us. Hackers are always working to find new ways to pry their way into business networks, unfortunately. And their goals are usually nefarious. Lately we've heard some high profile stories involving ransoms demanded from hackers using ransomware, which will lock your files until you pay up.

We certainly have solutions and systems for keeping these bad actors out, but we also have some experience getting access back after these criminals have hacked a network. Today I'm telling a true story of a ransomware event with one of our clients. This ended costing the client a lot more than if the software we had been recommending for quite some time had been installed.

This sort of thing doesn't just happen to big companies with super deep pockets. Often, smaller companies with older and weaker security systems in place make easier targets for these type of hacks. You likely won't hear about them very often, because these companies don't want their customers and prospects to know they were hacked, it would put a big dent in their trustworthiness.

Listen in and if you have any questions give us a call. We're happy to answer any questions and give a recommendation if you think this could happen to you. 

Get all links, resources and show notes at https://itoverdrivepodcast.com/5

Host info

Kelly Herrod, the founder and CEO of Herrod Technology, started the company in 2000 to provide simple IT solutions for small and mid-sized businesses. His personal approach, over 30 years experience and his ability to simplify IT sets him apart in the IT industry.