EP44 Leverage Events To Build Your Business, Your Network and Yourself with Tyler Davidson Joyner - LIVE
Talking With Experts with Chris Cownden
EP44 Leverage Events To Build Your Business, Your Network and Yourself with Tyler Davidson Joyner - LIVE
March 8, 2022
Tyler is someone who I have looked up to for the last few years as a young ambitious leader and aspiring entrepreneur. He's taught me a lot about mindset, believing in myself, taking risks and surrounding myself with millionaires. In this live conversation, I'll be asking Tyler all about his new events management startup which already has massive momentum in less than 8 months of business. Watch the full live stream interview here: https://youtu.be/Iu7MzogojyU
Tyler Davidson Joyner was the first person to really inspire me, when I saw him talk on stage talking at a personal development event. Little did I know about him then, but every time, I've been around him he's instilled belief, motivation, hope and drive into me and that's the power of networking and surrounding yourself with people who are on a similar trajectory you. 

Tyler started his most recent business in events management (TJ's Events) after speaking on stage and falling in love with the process behind-the-scenes. After a crazy few years of turmoil for most businesses, Tyler hosted a Lockdown Booster and Business Booster events to get people together that want more in life and want to surround themselves with good energy.

In this week's episode, Tyler talks about his new events management business and what it took for him to get started, the mindset you need to start a business and some great tips for leveraging events to grow your business. Enjoy this live unedited conversation!

1. What do you crave? Significance, Contribution, Growth...
2. Give value.
3. Network as much as possible, don't always rely on social media. Meet people more successful than you.
4. Feed of other peoples energy. 
5. Have a strong vision. 

"Don't just do it for the profit, do it for the purpose."

Learn more about Tyler here:

See you next week!
Chris Cownden