Starting a Counseling Practice with Kelly + Miranda of zynnyme
My Practice Flourished Through Maternity Leave & a Move!
March 16, 2018
From startup, having a baby, and moving to a new city- get advice from Dr. Kimberly about what made the biggest difference in her success.

Change is absolutely terrifying when you are a business owner. It can feel like even once you've gotten your feet under you and you are doing well, that if you make any changes, that your business can fall apart.  Dr. Kimberly, LMFT joined our bootcamp in Spring of 2015 as she was starting out in private practice. Now, she has used the skills, insight, and tools she learned to not only come back to a thriving practice after going on maternity leave but after moving her private practice to a new town she is at capacity in 6 months! Listen to her story and her insights, she has excellent advice for any therapist in private practice- so give it a listen!