rEATsearch (It's like overhearing your nerdy health science friends chat and laugh over coffee.)
#Just buy plain (Microbiome and blood lipids)
September 21, 2020
Our microbiome has the capacity to influence not only our gut, but our cardiovascular health as well. Let's take a look...
Our microbiome has the capacity to influence not only our gut, but our cardiovascular health as well. Let's take a look...

******Resources and Links******

-Effects of products designed to modulate the gut microbiota on hyperlipidaema
--microbiome is now linked to many health outcomes, bacteria are good for us!
-science is finally catching on to what traditional diets have known for milenia: fermented foods boost our health
-hyperlipidaema, what does it mean?,and%20the%20risk%20of%20blockages.
-want to make yoghurt at home? I found this video to show you how. This guy really likes his yoghurt...
-want to make your own sauerkraut? This video shows you how! Make a jar at a time and decrease your stress at the same time!
-I'm still waiting to hear from Strubs, I'll let everyone know when I hear more!

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