That's Teaching Life
March Motivational Magazine Madness :)
March 1, 2021
Whoa, that's some title right?!
Well can you believe it's the first of March 2021?

Nearly a year since Covid-19 really "took off"

I meant it's crazy right?

Well today I talk about keeping positive and about my new digital magazine "Successful Living"

Let me know what you think.

Episode Transcript
Welcome to the That's life podcast. You're listening to Richard Butler, where I show you how you can make your life better. Let's do this. Hey, welcome back to another podcast. You, Of course are listening to Richard Butler of Richard Butler dot Coach.

Actually, this month being March, I've just released the new edition of my Successful Living magazine, and you should see a link for it in the description. So let's talk about March. It's March 2021. Right now, as I'm recording this the first day of March, actually, and it's kind of the anniversary of Covid. It's a year since we've been living with Covid and a year since we've been, well, more or less restricted in our movements, etcetera. This podcast is not about conspiracy theories. It's not about whether they are controlling us or anything like that. But it is about thinking that things are going to get better. Why? Because it's the only thing that we can think. 

If we sort of immerse ourselves in the news, we're just gonna get more depressed because I haven't watched the news in quite some time because it's just We seem to be going around in circles now. Who knows why that is or what that is. And I don't really care at the moment. I just want you to know that things are going to get better. But you need to keep a positive mindset. Because if you don't keep a positive mindset, well, then you're gonna say everything is shit and everything is going to get worse. And everything is just absolute garbage, whatever it may be. So you need to keep a positive mindset and step number one news. 

You can actually listen to my podcast. But step number two is writing down what your great before. And I've talked about being grateful and having an attitude of gratitude on this podcast. But right now, it's so important because we need to Well, we need to just say, you know, it's going to get better. The best is yet to come. I am actually, uh, I'm hitting a big birthday, not this year but next year. And a friend and a colleague said to me, Don't you worry the best is yet to come, and I'm making some major changes to my life. Um, this year, and I really do believe the best is yet to come. And my attitude changed a lot because I started to think more positively. 

I started to look at the what ifs, but in a positive frame of mind rather than negative rather than saying what if something doesn't succeed? I was like What if this does succeed? And I do amazingly well in all the ventures that I want to take on. So you need to think about that. Yes, it's as easy as change your mindset because, of course I can think, What if things don't work out? But why would I put that frame of mind and that mindset into my mind when I can think, What if things do work out or even say things are going to work out? Because I really do feel things are going to work out. And I've been a lot more positive over the last couple of months, and the more positive I am, the more I see things working out and then that gives me positive reinforcement and I feel, yeah, I'm gonna go on. I'm going to do the next thing because I know this is gonna work out. So it's really, really important that you decide. Yeah, Things are gonna work out. Things are gonna get better. 

Now. I don't know your exact position, but, you know, if you're listening to this podcast, if you're following me, I know that you do want more success. I know that you do want to improve your life, so take it from me. You can. I've been through a lot. Uh, what, 13 years ago I went through A for me personally was a very rough divorce. It it ripped my soul apart. And I didn't think that there was anything at the end of the tunnel or any light. But, you know, with the help of my my new wife, Well, not so new. But with the help of my wife and with her encouragement, I got through it. And from there things have got better and better now. It's not overnight. It's not gonna happen overnight. Success is not going to happen overnight. 

Our changes are not going to happen overnight, But every little step you take well, when you look back in six months time in a year, you'll say, Wow, how far have I progressed? And If you don't believe me, think about eating badly. You eat a hamburger here, you eat a pack of crisps. Here you eat, Uh, some lovely chocolate there. And it's not a lot. But suddenly, in six months time, you've put on two or 3 kg and you say, How did that happen? You didn't even notice it. And the same comes with success. 

Every single step that you take gets you closer to success. Now, as I mentioned at the top of the podcast do download my successful living magazine. There is a link in the description. Um, I think it will help you a lot. And every month I'm going to take a different topic and work on it. So listen, I'll talk to you next week. I hope you enjoy this week's podcast. Check out Richard butler dot coach and make sure that you subscribe

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