Game Nights & Heart Talks
Farshore & Getting Our Butts Kicked! | Ep. 16
May 12, 2024
Game Nights: This game is set on the water where building the finest village is the goal you aim to achieve. Constructions and critters are what make up this small village of yours, yet be wary, your village can only hold so many. Heart talks: We’ve been enlightened recently by playing with some board gamers who are 10x more serious/better than us. It’s been humbling, to say the least.
Game Nights: This game is set on the water where building the finest village is the goal you aim to achieve. Constructions and critters are what make up this small village of yours, yet be wary, your village can only hold so many. 

Heart talks: We’ve been enlightened recently by playing with some board gamers who are 10x more serious/better than us. It’s been humbling, to say the least. 

Welcome to Game Nights & Heart Talks. Join August & Alayna for a unique blend of casual gaming sessions and heartfelt conversations. They really love playing games & wanted to document the time they spend playing together along with capturing the conversations they have. 

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