Living Universally: Moving Beyond the Ego-Centric Self
World of Empowerment
Living Universally: Moving Beyond the Ego-Centric Self
June 15, 2024
Ahonu explores the idea of expanding our perspectives beyond our personal lives to a more global, even universal outlook. By contemplating the vast expanse of cosmic evolution and the brevity of our individual existence, he invites us to think beyond our immediate concerns and embrace a more majestic view of life's grand plan.
In our latest podcast episode, Ahonu invites us on a profound journey from narrow, self-centered thinking to embracing a greater, cosmic perspective. Reflecting on recent global events and how they anchor us to ordinary concerns, Ahonu offers wisdom on expanding our worldview.

Questions to ask yourself after listening to this episode:

1. Ahonu discusses the idea that world events keep us thinking small and locally. Can you recall a specific event that made you feel this way, and how did it affect your perspective?
2. Ahonu mentions that people often think "what's in it for me?" Do you think this is a natural human tendency, or is it shaped by our environment and culture? Why?
3. How do you interpret Ahonu's suggestion to think "more globally or more universally, more galactically"? What practical steps might an individual take to adopt this broader perspective?
4. Ahonu suggests that considering the billions of years of cosmic evolution can help us see beyond our own lives. In what ways could this cosmic perspective impact our daily decisions and relationships?
5. The episode touches on the concept of multiple lives and cosmic evolution. How does the idea of reincarnation or an eternal soul influence your understanding of ego and self?
6. Reflecting on Ahonu’s statement, "our lives are just a blink of an eye in the grand scheme of things," how does this make you feel about the significance you place on daily struggles and achievements?
7. How do you think one’s personal and professional life might change if they adopted Ahonu’s suggested "God's plan" perspective?
8. The podcast encourages listeners to think beyond "petty little issues." What are some practical ways to shift focus from small, ego-driven concerns to broader, more significant matters?
9. Ahonu speaks about "practical spirituality in a changing world." How do you balance spiritual beliefs and practices with the demands of everyday life?
10. In your opinion, what role does spirituality play in expanding one’s outlook on life and reducing egocentric thinking? Can you share any personal experiences where this has been evident? 
These questions aim to spark reflective thought and engaging discussions among listeners, encouraging them to delve deeper into the themes presented in the episode.