Small Business Mentoring
Business Survival & Growth Mentoring - Introduction
May 6, 2021
The series is to help the newbie marketer, entrepreneur or business owner who is trying to go online. Online world could be frustrating because of lot of moving parts. I want to simplify that and give a 90 day plan where we first help you create your platform and brand ( survive ) and this helps you to grow your business with less Ad costs and more time left for you to do other interesting stuff in the life. Please like and share this with your friends and family who want to be helped.

Few hard facts with change in technology landscape and change in work habits post 2020.
1. Going Digital is a MUST for every business. Register now to know more opportunities.
2. There are very few agencies serving small businesses with right technology and hand-holding
3. Change in mindset to lone fighter to massive collaborater is a MUST
4. HUB enables collaboration, if you have physical or digital product. Even services need more collaborations
5. Undertand this and have a right IT consultant on your side. Control your own business. Have your own technology.
Depend less on aggregators who change rules everyday. Control your own business AND collobarate with right complementing brands
6. Business is an Idea to serve people at scale. Do this right. You have a bright future
BIO: Sridhar Rayasam is semiconductor engineer and served big brands in smartphone
business. Ex Qualcomm, Analog Devices and Philips. He has mastered technolgy solutions to serve small businesses and help them survive and thrive, making technology easy and plugin to their businesses. Sridhar Rayasam very compassionate with people and help them with right solutions, which is value for money.