Everyday People chat with Wayne Brown
Everyday People - Amanda chats with Wayne
February 12, 2022
This is an episode that I recorded a while ago with a lovely lady from New Zealand. It is mostly talking about relationships and what we have learned. It is my first ever interview and as with everything that I do, I like to keep it raw and unedited because my podcasts, like life, can be a little messy and imperfect. This podcast is about chatting to everyday people and discovering interesting things about them, the experiences that have shaped them, what they have learned about life, goals that they have achieved, and everything else. If you would like to have a chat with myself and tell me about your life and yourself, click the link in the show notes and leave a short 90 second message with your name and a couple of things about you, I'll contact you to organise a time to chat. I'm certain that you would have some great stories to tell.
Fancy leaving us some quick feedback, a quick question, or asking for a chat about your life and yourself, then click HERE and leave us a 90 second voicemail. We look forward to hearing your story