A Better Way To Farm Podcast
156: 12 Days of Nutrients - Day 6 Sulphur
December 22, 2022
Now, we are on the 6th day special of a 12-day feature on the 12 days of nutrients and we are as excited to share not only about macros and micros but are going to dig deep into agricultural science, and proven methods, and see how they can help grow well our crops. You better be sticking to this series, listen, learn, and apply! It is Sulphur day so, let’s go right in … 😉
In the world of agriculture, it always matters whom you listen to. What they say should always be what’s good for you and your farm and not the other way around. The team at A Better Way to Farm cares for what’s right for you. We have always intended at helping farmers improve profits and increase yields. Our subjects not only cover soil health but go as far as farm machinery, farm tech, and innovation for the future of farming and of the future generations of American farmers.
We would appreciate it if you could share us with a friend and your fellow farmers. Rate us on iTunes or other platforms you’re on so we could better spread the good stuff around. Thank you all so much for tuning in. We have a great future ahead of us in agriculture!
Day 6 Highlights ✨
00:36   Day 6 is all about Sulphur!
01:48   Fact check here <<
02:22   The roles of the 16 essential nutrients à Sulphur
03:03   Some of the laws of nature we should observe
04:25   Now the 4th major plant food nutrient for crop production??
05:01   Organic matter again and again …
06:07   What is a good indicator of the sulphur requirement?
07:05   How about the different sources?
08:01   Here are the various forms you can use <
08:34   And the right source for you? Listen here <<
10:08   What are your symptoms?
11:23   Another fact check by Neil Kinsey
12:39   Here is what sulphur can really do for our farms, ONLY IF
13:18   Back to organic matter à Humus
14:11   But when sulphur is low, watch out for these <
15:04   Sulphur is also a constituent of two sulphur-bearing amino acids
16:07   Everybody should put on 150 pounds of A M S every other year
17:20   Again, anything we can do to raise that organic matter is a good thing
18:11   Here's a little tip for you on humic acids <<
19:46   Fact is, sulphur is very underused
20:20   Truly, go after the 4Rs especially on this 12 nutrients we would discuss
21:19   Watch out for Boron day next!

Book References (here are the links to all of the resources that can be purchased on Amazon):
Hands-on Agronomy à https://amzn.to/3itafyM
Western Fertilizer Handbook à https://amzn.to/3P1UGu7
The Anatomy of Life and Energy in Agriculture à https://amzn.to/3VL7aIJ
Soil Nutrient Bio Availability à https://amzn.to/3FlSSsT
From The Soil Up à https://amzn.to/3FlCloC
The Nature and Properties of Soil à https://amzn.to/3B2S4GC
Soil Fertility and Fertilizers à https://amzn.to/3Vo67P6
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Meet A Better Way to Farm 💚
We’re a multi-generational family business based in Iowa working with farmers across the US. We take a hands-on approach using in-depth soil testing, making recommendations down to ounces per acre of micronutrients.
Doing this helps our clients to become more profitable. If your family would be open to this, let’s talk. ➡ ➡   ☎️☎️ ☎️ … or call/ text us at 6 4 1 9 1 9 1 2 0 6.
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Happy listening! We’ll accompany you again to the next one! 

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