Honor Your Spark
Bodyful: What Does Trauma-Informed, Culturally-Humble Yoga Look Like?
August 30, 2022
I recently had a student in a yoga class ask me “what exactly is trauma-informed yoga?” For the long answer, see the research paper I wrote back in 2016— but for a shorter answer, I created this solo episode that’s relevant for students and teachers alike.Also, the subject of cultural humility (vs cultural appropriation) in yoga has become so intertwined for me with trauma-informed principles, because they’re both about HONORING: honoring the autonomy of each student, and honoring the wider purpose of yoga and its lineage. So we’re talking both subjects in this episode.As per usual in my solo episodes, I’m talking off the cuff while walking outside, so this lil 30-minute episode is far from comprehensive. But if you have questions, feel free to leave a comment here, send me a DM, or email me— I’d love to hear what resonates, what your experience with these subjects is, and as always, anything else you’d like to hear me talk about on the pod. And hopefully some of the resources below will be helpful to dig in further!For full show notes including links to resources mentioned in the episode, visit https://gaiacenter.co/blog/bodyful-21.----------------------------------------------------Did you love this episode? Please tell a friend, and subscribe to Bodyful for a new episode every 2 weeks!✨ For Previous Bodyful episodes and show notes✨ Sister podcast Creatures of Change✨ In Tennessee and looking for therapy? Check out The Gaia Center.✨ Get the monthly Gaia Center newsletter with exclusive content & tips from our therapists✨ Learn about coaching, speaking, and other stuff Val is up to