Relationships First
Relationship With Yourself Part 4: The Power of Forgiveness
October 25, 2022
Ever done, said, or experienced something you regret? Everyone has! The thing is though, most of us hold on to those regrets. We allow our past to haunt us telling ourselves how much of a failure we are or that we are not enough all because of one instance in our lives. We often measure our lives with a yardstick and the lives of others with a ruler; we hold ourselves to different standards and usually come up way too short. In this episode, David Dubé discusses the importance of self-forgiveness and its life-changing consequences. Join our private community at
Everyone makes mistakes, everyone! The question is what do we do with those mistakes? Do you hold on to them and allow them to define you or do you move past them?

There is power if using and understanding forgiveness. 

You already know the situations in which you feel regret and guilt but how do we get past those?

The first step is writing things down, and getting them out of your head. This allows you freedom from the story playing over and over in your head.

Step two is writing a letter of forgiveness. There are three areas in which we want to forgive.

  1. If there were others involved forgive them for their part in the situation
  2. Forgive the situation, for you had no control over the moments they occurred
  3. Forgive yourself - release yourself of the blame for the situation even if you feel you were the cause of the outcome

If there were other parties (people) involved you may want to consider writing a letter to them specifically apologizing for your actions. You can write the letter even if they are no longer alive, you don't know their name, you don't have their address or a way of contacting them - none of that is as important as writing the actual letter itself.

Step three, you can decide depending on your comfort level how you want to proceed. If there are other parties involved you are able to contact. 

Lastly, what has the situation taught you? What have you learned? What can and will you do differently that will enable you to avoid future situations like the one that made you feel like a mistake?

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