Getting to Clarity: Creating MORE Success With Less Sacrifice
018 - Renee Shulte
October 21, 2021
Debbie's special guest today is Renee Shulte, who is in the space of making healthier policies for businesses and individuals to prioritize health, embrace excellence and rebuild resilience!

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Renee's Bio: Renee Schulte has over 20 years of leadership experience in the mental health field as a therapist, policymaker, and consultant. Her work in the public and private sectors has given her a unique understanding of the policy complexities in this area. Renee is nationally recognized for her expertise in behavioral health policy, system design, policy and financial analysis, and strategic consulting.  As a consultant, she has worked with multiple states creating strategic plans, legislation, and regulations.  Her newest project, Making Healthier Policies is a course designed to teach others how to create healthy policy while navigating the hyper-partisan. overly political season. She and her husband, Brent, reside in Urbandale, Iowa.

Renee's course, Making Healthier Policies, will launch in January 2022. Interested persons can contact her via email at

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