EP34.S3 How Ballet Influenced His Practice | Renatus Hoogenraad
gguttalks | design | creativity | entrepreneurship | leadership
EP34.S3 How Ballet Influenced His Practice | Renatus Hoogenraad
January 19, 2023
This is the 2nd conversation [EP33 to 43 S3] with Renatus Hoogenraad, a former ballet dancer, choreographer and theater improviser. He is the founder of Sparks, a human centered training and consulting firm in Geneva and cofounder of the CoCreation School. In this episode he talks about his journey from being a performer and how that translated to being in the business field. This is an inspiring and relatable episode especially for those in the performing arts, facilitation, business and beyond.
This is the 2nd conversation [EP33 to 43 S3] with Renatus Hoogenraad, a former ballet dancer, choreographer and theater improviser. He is the founder of Sparks, a human centered training and consulting firm in Geneva and cofounder of the  CoCreation School. In this episode he talks about his journey from being a performer and how that translated to being in the business field. This is an inspiring and relatable episode especially for those in the performing arts, facilitation, business and beyond.

Mentioned throughout this segment of 11 episodes:

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GGUTTALKS is a podcast focusing on business, design and ggutt feelings, conversing with entrepreneurs, industry leaders and investors.