That's Teaching Life
It all takes time - and something that has not changed or has it?
May 3, 2021
Sometimes have changed and others have not, but here's my thoughts :) Oh and check out the interview webinar I am doing:
Episode Transcription

The Interview Webinar

Welcome to the That's Life podcast. You're listening to Richard Butler where I show you how you can make your life better. Let's do this! Hey guys, Richard Butler here again with another podcast and today is Monday 3rd, but I'm actually recording this on Friday 30th because I'm going to wait for the weekend. I decided why not?

Let's relax? And since I'm working for myself, I can decide well I'm gonna take monday off, but I am here with another podcast and today, what I wanted to talk about was knowing that things take time and that things do work out. Um why? Well, I've been looking at my financials and you know, things have worked out pretty well, but I have to remember, it's going to take time to get into the process into the flow of a routine when you don't have a routine and to building up the type of resources that I want to build up the course is I want to build up the webinars etcetera. Speaking of webinars actually on Tuesday the 4th I am holding my first webinar which is 25 top tips for success at an interview and these are tips that you may already know but you may have forgotten but they're very important so if you're interested do make sure that you registered. There is a link in the description depending where you are watching this and I would be delighted to share my tips with you but back to the process and back to just letting things I guess go with the flow because you know a couple of days last week I was a little bit stressed because things weren't moving as quickly or I wasn't getting as much time to do things. I mean I mean I had you know a doctor's appointment in the morning and then I had something in the afternoon and then I was coming to the office and I had maybe two or three hours that I was actually working.

But you know what, I actually found those two or three hours that I was working, I was actually more productive than I was when I was at home or when I was working just in the afternoons after my regular 9-3 job. So that's quite interesting. On the other side, I've actually taken on a lot of english students that need coaching with interviews, et cetera. But you know, it is a process and I have a nice goal set for myself for september and I'm still hoping to get their next week or should I say this week, because when you listen to this this week, I really do need to just organize my time for doing different recordings, etcetera because now I have the time and I have the space so I've just got to do it so you know, no matter where you are in your life, no matter whether you are working or not working or looking for a job, things will work out.

And it is a process. Sometimes the more we for something, the more we push something, the harder it is to actually um well the harder it is for to succeed because maybe we're pushing against a force that is going to come to us if you know what I mean. I know that's a little bit abstract, but what I mean is that sometimes the more you push, the less you get so just think about that. But I really do think that the most important thing is consistency and just to take consistent action. So each and every day have your to do list, have your, it doesn't have to be sort of typed out or anything which is written on a piece of paper, but maybe get a note pad so that over the weeks what you can actually see is the difference in your to do list of what you've done and what you need to still do. And I'm actually looking at my to do list now and there's quite a lot that I have actually done, there's still a lot more that I need to do. But I'm quite happy with what I've done over this week and this week as well. I probably didn't work full hours because I did have another doctor's appointment that had to go to so that that takes time. But well let me tell you about what happened on thursday.

So I decided I'll save money on the bus because my wife was going my way as they say, so I said look give me a lift down to the office and that will send me a bus fare because I also had to go to the doctor. So I was calculated. I'm going to use four bus tickets. So if I did it this way I don't use three. So I get down to the office and I'm working away and then I see my Mac says that it only has 10 battery. So I plug in the power supply as you do and it's not charging. I go what the hell is wrong? I check it's plugged in. The extension leaders is all plugged in and then I look and I left the power brick at home because I brought the laptop home, I have a cable at home to plug it in but I only have one power brick. And what did I have to do?

Well I had to go back home, so that was one bus for up one bus fare down. Then I had to go to the doctors and that's another bus fare up. Then I had to come back to the office. So I hopped on the bus because my wife said, I walk towards this uh, this building and you'll be able to get the bus there. But of course, what did I do? I walked towards the building. I found the first bus stop that said the number of the bus and jumped on the bus that arrived after waiting 20 minutes. But after about three or 4 minutes on the bus, I realized that it was going the wrong direction. It was going up towards the mountains rather than down towards the sea. I had got on the wrong side of the bus. So, I was going back the way I was, I had originally gone to the hospital, so then I had to jump off the bus and then I had to get another bus back down.

So that was five tickets and then I got the bus home late uh that evening. So it was six tickets. Now, normally that would have frustrated me and I would have been so annoyed, but now I feel that I'm just more relaxed and I just laughed about it and I thought it was funny that that actually happened and I decided to share with you today. So again, well, that brings me back to the next point that um there was somebody cleaning the office when I came back after a walk. So I went upstairs to the little small kitchen and I had my lunch there by myself. And then it suddenly done to me Well, when I was working in my full time corporate job, I used to work in an office by myself. And then I'd usually eat by myself because I'd eat around three half three. And I thought, oh my God, I'm doing exactly the same thing. But what was different here was I'm doing it on my terms.

So now I if I decide to eat with somebody, I eat with somebody, if I decide not to, I don't and even though I may be repeating the same pattern, bye, I'm working by myself in an office. I'm eating by myself, I'm in a happier place. And that to me is important because yeah, working for yourself is not all as I keep saying Ferraris and parties and all that sort of stuff. It's a job like any other job, but it's a job on my terms. So that is where the change is now. Speaking about change. If you are looking to make a change in your life, if you're looking to maybe change jobs and you need interview tips, join me on my interview webinar. It will be tomorrow because you'll be listening to this on Monday. So Tuesday 4th at two PM central european time or eight a.m. E S T. Will you join me? The link is below. Talk to you then. I hope you enjoy this week's podcast. Check out Richard Butler dot coat and make sure that you subscribe.

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