Life Back On Track
Welcome to Life Back On Track
May 11, 2021
Welcome to Life Back On Track. These podcasts are centred around the most important aspects of our lives. They could be about relationships, parenting, conflict resolution, dating, mindset and more. I talk about my own experiences as well as what I have learned, realised and observed in the lives of those around me. If you have any questions that you may want answered or clarity given about something, or you want to give us some feedback, then feel free to send them in. Just email
Hi, this is Wayne Brown from Life Back On Track.
Welcome to my podcast. At Life Back On Track, we assist people in sorting out their dating, their relationships, their parenting, their mindset, their conflict resolution basically whatever it is about their life that they need to get back on track. 

This podcast is based off all of those things. In the various episodes, we'll be exploring aspects of dating, relationships, conflict resolution, parenting, mindset, all these things that I've learnt and studied over the years, as well as things that I've realised, things that I've created. 

A lot of it's based off my own personal journey, because I believe you should have at least tried and proven something before you start trying to tell others to use it, so everything that I talk about, the things that I've been through all during the course of the podcast be explaining my own experiences, my struggles, where I had problems, where I started from, where I am now so that you can understand and get a bit of an overview as to where I've been with all of this and how it might apply to you and your life. 

The episodes, I'll try to keep them between five and 15 minutes. So some of the subjects that we need to go in deeper will take 15 minutes and others, which will be relatively quick, where I'm just passing on a thought or an idea, a process, something I've encountered, maybe in my day to day life, and I'll keep them relatively short. So I will be around the five minute mark. I hope you enjoy them. 

Fancy leaving us some quick feedback or a quick question, then send an email to or if you prefer, you can send it snail mail to: PO Box 40, Cannington WA 6987, Australia 

You can listen to the Life Back On Track podcast on your favourite platform by visiting our podcast website. Click HERE to check it out. 

You can also listen to my radio show “All About Relationships” which has its own podcast on your favourite platform by clicking HERE 

You can also check out our website by clicking HERE

Thanks for listening.