End 2023 with Purpose and Energy!
Safety Consultant with Sheldon Primus
End 2023 with Purpose and Energy!
November 6, 2023
The end of another year is at hand. In this episode, Sheldon helps you focus on finishing 2023 strong and with purpose to help set up 2024 to be successful.

[00:00:00.130] - Sheldon 


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[00:00:10.550] - Sheldon 

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Safety FM. 

[00:00:18.860] - Sheldon 

Welcome to the Safety Consultant Podcast. I'm your host, Sheldon Primus. It's the podcast where I teach you the business of being a safety consultant. We talk about OSHA compliance sometimes. Sometimes we talk about the mindset of being in safety and health. We talk about the mindset of being the consultant in your organization. Talk about you, your own mindset. How are you doing? How are you doing? Yes, I said, how are you doing? All right. Well, I am so glad that you were with me today. Today, it's going to be just us. I'm just going to talk to you a little bit about a few, well, one major thought. How's that? Just one major thought. We're going to try to focus on one thing and one thing only. Before I get into that, let's thank everybody that's listening. I'm on my chartable, like I'd like to see and see where everybody is listening from. Us, thank you. You are number one, followed by Philippines, UK and Northern Ireland, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Australia. Saudi Arabia, you just edged out Canada. I just noticed that Canada was usually like three. Saudi Arabia, thank you for sharing me with your friends and other people to listen to the show. 

[00:01:48.790] - Sheldon 

Cool. Thank you. Australia, Vietnam, Spain, Pakistan, Qatar, Nigeria, Netherlands, Chile, Belgium, and Azerbaijan. That's the top people listening to the show. Awesome. Algeria, let's see, Argentina, Germany, and India are also in there. Thank you all for just being part of the show, listening. I'm just truly, truly, truly amazed. Thank you. It's been a while since I've been doing this show and you guys are hanging in there with me, so thanks. Now, let's look at the charts real quick. This is going to be the charts coming in from Apple. Right now, Great Britain, I am out of the charts. Yes, I'm out of the charts. I'm not a big fan of being out of the charts because it shows that you guys are looking to listen somewhere else. I know that the season's come and go, right? That's okay. I got you. We'll come on back, all right? It looks like Saudi Arabia, I'm 108. South Africa, I'm 2:07. Chile, awesome. I am 64, and this is the Apple podcast and the UAE. Wow, 100 on your chart. That is so awesome. Thank you, gang, for listening, sharing, and just truly making sure that other people will get the opportunity to hear this podcast. 

[00:03:32.010] - Sheldon 

Let's look at the chartable one. So chartable, it looks like I am in the global government reach on the chartable accounts. I am 120. Nice. That's awesome. I appreciate everybody that's listening to this show, share it with your friends. I hope we're getting something from it. You're gaining some safety and health perspective as well as you're pretty much learning how to start your own business. That's why I started this whole thing. I wanted to help people start their own business. In that vein, I'm really going to see if there's something that we could do. Because right now, the recording of this is November fifth, 2023. I like getting towards the end of the year to get everybody thinking about what can we do to end the year right. How can we end the year right? If you got something in your brain trying to tell you, You can't do this, man, you're going to give up, tell it, Don't give up. Quiet that thing. What you're going to do is you're going to push a little bit harder just for this one month and focus on one thing, one big thing, and it's going to have little sub-stuff underneath it. 

[00:04:55.450] - Sheldon 

See, it's technical thing and stuff. Here's my one big thing. I honestly have been asked a bunch of times about coaching and helping people who are starting their business coaching. I've really been pointing them to Safety Consultant TV. I'msure if you go to your App Store or whatever, if you're on podcast... Not podcast. If you are on Apple, you're going to go to the Apple, I guess it's iTunes. I'm not an Apple guy, but on Android, you go to Google Play and you just type in safety consultant TV and you'll see me. That's usually where I point everyone to. The other thing that I point everyone to is, and of course, if you don't have a phone for that, then you could just go to safetyconsultant. Tv on any browser and you'll get to me. But the other thing that I usually just do is I send little e-mails back and forth from students, most likely. But honestly, if you are trying to reach me, Safety Consultant TV, it's the best way. I've been asked a bunch of times about coaching, and one of the things I decided I'm going to do for my end-of-the-year push is to structure that ask and get it in such a way that it makes sense for me and whoever I coach to help you start your business or help you with your current job and you're ready to be that consultant for your company. 

[00:06:36.290] - Sheldon 

Those are the things I'm looking for. You want to transition, you want to improve. I'm going to honestly focus on that. That's my one big thing for November, December, and start January 2024 out with a really good, viable service to help you guys grow your business in the coaching setting. That's my one big thing. When I say one big thing is knowing that I'm going to have sub-things underneath it. I've got to get my delivery method right. That means I'm going to probably have to update my dreaded sheldonprimus. Com. I should say not dreaded. I love it. But I have been delaying on that. That's not one of the things that I've been really a fan of doing is I love the site. I just don't like developing it. Chances are I'll probably get going with that one, and that's a sub thing. If you know that I have coaching, first thing you're going to do is, Oh, how do I get to the coaching site? That's going to be sheldonprimus. Com. That means a subcategory for what my main category is, which is setting up a coaching system, would be getting the sight looking good. 

[00:07:56.350] - Sheldon 

There you go. That's what I mean by one big thing and then some subcategories with that, right? Think about what you could do right now. You just want to make sure that you want to have your thought or your one big thing. Let it be something that is going to truly, truly help your system. When I say system, I mean you working for yourself or you being the consultant for your company. You want to make sure that it's going to increase that activity. Then the other thing you want to focus on is what's going to help you get to the main goal. There's always the little steps that's going to help you get to that main goal. This is the opportunity for you to figure that out. Let's see, we're in, like I said, November fifth at the time of this recording, to give yourself maybe three days or so just to really focus in on what is your one big thing. Then after that, that and write that down. Then after that, give yourself all the sub stuff underneath it. Write that down. Then once you get those two things together, then now that's going to help you where you're going to end up knowing what you're going to focus on for the rest of the year. 

[00:09:18.540] - Sheldon 

There you go. Nice and quick. I just want to make sure that you guys get some direction. Next year, you're going to be good and ready. Your one big thing that you're going to do now is going to lead to a very good start for January 2024. Thanks so much for listening. Share the show with a friend, like it. Go to safetyconsultant. Tv. Put in code SC-101 and you'll get 30 days free. There you go. That'll help you with your big things. Go get them. 

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[00:10:04.700] - Sheldon 


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Fm. The views and opinions expressed on this podcast or broadcast are those of the host and its guests and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the company. Examples of analysis discussed within the past hour are only examples. They should not be utilized in the real world as the only solution available as they are based on very limited and dated open-source information. Assumptions made within this analysis are not reflective of the position of the company. No part of this podcast or broadcast may be reproduced, stored within a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means: mechanical, electronic, recording, or otherwise without prior written permission of the creator of the podcast or broadcast, Sheldon Pryness. Watch out. 

Want to book Sheldon for as a consultant, keynote speaker, or trainer? Book him today: https://bookme.name/sheldonprimus