Relationships First
Where Do You Find Love
October 4, 2022
How do you find love? Most people search for what they feel they're missing from outside sources. In this episode, David shares a personal story of realization that helped his clients figure out what they needed in order to move ahead with their marriage. Join our community at
Most people search for their fulfillment outside themselves when the truth of the matter is that the fulfillment they're seeking can only be found within themselves. 

David's story of his partner cheating on him and how he realized what she did was not something against him but something for herself was his realization that he already had all he needed and that his love and respect for himself were more fulfilling than carrying on a relationship with her. 

Defining your love is the most valuable thing you can do for yourself and anyone else you love. It will help you understand love more fully and enable you to give even more of yourself to others.

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