rEATsearch (It's like overhearing your nerdy health science friends chat and laugh over coffee.)
To eat or not to eat, or just to (intermittent) fast
December 1, 2020
Intermittent fasting has been practiced for centuries in many cultures and is known to benefit health. Calorie restriction is also well known to benefit health, but is one better than the other? If you want to improve your health , should you focus more on one? What is the difference between the two? Is one easier than the other? So many questions, and we have the answers! Join us for Episode 8 where we talk about all things fasting and calories with lots of take home tips you can start using the next time you want to eat...or not...
To Intermittent Fast or Calorie Restrict, that is the question. 
Intermittent fasting has been practiced for centuries in many cultures and is known to benefit health. Calorie restriction is also well known to benefit health, but is one better than the other? If you want to improve your health , should you focus more on one? What is the difference between the two? Is one easier than the other? So many questions, and we have the answers!

Join us for Episode 8 where we talk about all things fasting and calories with lots of take home tips you can start using the next time you want to eat...or not...

Parvaresh, A., Razavi, R., et. al. (2019) Modified alternate day fasting vs. calorie restriction in the treatment of patients with metabolic syndrome: A randomized clinical trial. Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 47; 102187

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