Plant Yourself - Embracing a Plant-based Lifestyle
Rob Greenfield on Wearing Trash, Opting Out of Capitalism, and Waking Up to the Effects of Our Actions: PYP 234
October 24, 2017
Rob Greenfield has put the fun and friendly into environmental activism. Known for his eye-catching and media-worthy campaigns and adventures to wake people up to the destruction we're causing to our planet, Rob brings a positivity and sense of humor and humility to what is too often a dreary scold-fest. Rob was originally on track to live an opulent American dream, complete with nice stuff, fast car, big house, and enough money to do whatever he wanted. A life in which he never had to think about the downstream consequences of his actions, choices, and consumption. Then, somehow, he woke up. It dawned upon him that there was a direct link between his individual choices and the faraway and hypothetical poisoning of our ecosystem. That his convenient, comfortable existence was being underwritten by factory farms, oil spills, and trash heaps that wouldn't decompose for 500 years.