The Health Coaches Podcast
34. When goals stop being motivating: What then? Lynette Neal and Howard Jacobson
October 16, 2020
When we set external and future goals ("lose 20 pounds in 3 months"), they can function as a GPS for our daily actions and decisions. But what happens when we either reach those goals ("I guess I'm done - let's celebrate with some junk food") or decide they aren't that motivating compared to the urge to binge in the moment?
When we set external and future goals ("lose 20 pounds in 3 months"), they can function as a GPS for our daily actions and decisions. But what happens when we either reach those goals ("I guess I'm done - let's celebrate with some junk food") or decide they aren't that motivating compared to the urge to binge in the moment?

Lynette Neal is a WellStart Health participant, as well as a private coaching client of Howard's. As their work has progressed, Lynette and Howard have been exploring approaches and exercises developed by Steven C Hayes and colleagues as part of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). 

In this conversation, Lynette shares her journey, and how incorporating ACT has allowed her to grow and achieve in areas seemingly unrelated to nutrition, exercise, and physical health.