That's Teaching Life
The first week of freedom - the reality
April 21, 2021
So what's it like to not have a job? To be working differently? Is it all it's I thought it would be? Well find out in this weeks podcast
Show transcript

Welcome to the That's Life podcast. You're listening to Richard Butler, where I show you how you can make your life better. Let's do this. Hey guys, how's it going? It's Richard butter back with another podcast and we're starting off week two of my transitioning life and I have to say last week was a super busy week um between paperwork and trying to arrange a time to actually move into an office that I've actually rented so that I have a little bit more time to focus on items after one year of being at home and having a small home office, I thought now that things have got serious, it's time to move out and get a little small office. 

So I got a little small office quite close to where we live, which is really handy And its 24 hour a day access, which is absolutely fabulous. So I've got lots done. But still, this week has been a little bit tricky because I'm still trying to figure out paperwork, trying to get organized, I have a couple of appointments that I have to attend, so it's still a little bit messy but I have to say the feeling of freedom is just amazing and what I mean is that sunday night rolls along and it's not that feeling of my God, it's another sunday and that means tomorrow is monday and it's back to work. I'm actually going to do something that I enjoy that I like. Um starting to record videos um planning out the courses that I want to do, recording some videos for that and I can just do what I want and that has its pluses and its minuses because of course the problem is that you know I don't have to come to the office every day. 

I don't have to work every day if I don't want to I can decide to do something else or if I have to do some paperwork I can do it. But where the big thing is that at the moment obviously the hours I work, all the hours I get paid for when I'm actually producing and I'm actually doing stuff, well I'm not doing stuff, it's nice, it's relaxing but I'm not getting paid. So the idea here and what I want to, you know, talk to you about and teach you about over the coming weeks is how to start to get passive income going because this is a huge thing to get passive income because right now if you are doing what most people do and I've been doing it for years as well. If you're trading time for money there's only a certain amount of time that you have. So you can't actually make any more money because if you're on a salary job and it's a fixed salary no matter what hours you work, 

Well if you work five hours or 15 hours a day you're still going to get the same amount there. So this is one challenge that we have to see how we overcome and the idea that we hear is recurring income. And I've talked to you about this, it's like royalties for pop stars and for film stars that they do the work once and they get paid continually. So how can you do that? Well, you have to think about maybe creating a course. You have to think of publishing something that you can take and sell over and over again. And the internet has helped us with that because we can produce information based products. I'm talking about courses. I'm talking about coaching sessions that are pre recorded webinars that you can set up as what is called evergreen, which means that the webinar can be automated and people can join at any time. All of these things can help you take on a different role in life, in that These products will sell themselves 24 hours a day. Now that sounds like a very high p thing because yes, it is true that um there's a lot of snake oil sells people out there. Both men and women who are eager to sell you a dream of do nothing and get paid forever. That's absolute bs you still have to work. 

You still have to get things in motion. But what you should be thinking about is trying to move away from trading time for money because again, even if I decide Um I'm gonna work 10 hours a week, I have to say well how much Do I charge per hour if I want to work 10 hours a week and I want to make €1000 a week, I'm going to be charged 100 euros an hour. So I have to say, well, what value can I provide somebody that they'll pay me that? But even if I were to do that for 40 hours, if I could, that's going to limit the amount that I can make in a week to buy mats is correct, €4000. So this is where the challenges that you want to be able to say, okay, well this is the income I'd like to learn and this is how I'm going to actually earn it and this is how I'm going to do it without trading time for money. So no matter who you are, you have a skill that people want to know about. You have something to share That could be how to, Well, I'll give you one of my ideas which is out passing interview, you may have worked in the recruitment industry and you say, well I have some hints and tips that people really need to follow in order to pass an interview and you teach them that or you teach them a foreign language that you say, okay, I'm going to teach basic french and this is how I'm going to do it. And you record a series of lessons based on that. Or you might say that the typical, I'm going to teach people how to play the guitar and you may be an expert at teaching the guitar. But rather than trading your time for money, you could actually record the actual lesson. 

You're a yoga teacher. You could do a series of recordings about basic yoga poses and then you could actually um decided to have a more advanced course. Now I'll be discussing things like that in um further detail on other podcasts, but today, what I wanted to do was I wanted to tell you, you know, I'm still here, I'm happy. I feel very free and I can see challenges which I need to overcome which are Managing My time, making sure that I'm being 100 productive and actually feel in the office that I have been more productive this week then in a long time because now my energy is good during the day and I have time during the day to actually do what I want to before I was doing it after working until three o'clock in the afternoon Or after seven or 8 in the evening. And that's not the most optimum time because your energy is low. So with having this freedom comes the responsibility, I guess to be productive and to ensure that I'm productive every single day. And that's what my aim is. And make sure now you subscribe to the podcast, make sure that you join me on linkedin. 

If you haven't just searched me Richard Butler and you should find me have a little icon picture of myself and you know, follow me on instagram at Richard motivates is one of my user names. And at Richard Photography, Richard Butter photography is another one, connect with me on Facebook. Um, just let's connect because I want to help you get to where I am and I want to teach you how to get there. Also keep an eye out because I'm going to start putting together a series of workshops. Really, really inexpensive workshops to help you change your life. How does that sound to you? Let me know, 

And if you're listening to this because you saw it on linkedin or facebook, leave a comment in the comment section, give it a thumbs up, share it with somebody who you think it could help and I'll talk to you next week and hopefully hopefully, hopefully, hopefully I'll be able to release this on monday next week. All right, take it easy guys. I hope you enjoy this week's podcast. Check out Richard Butler dot Coach and make sure that you subscribe.

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