Real Talk with Jeff and Joelle #5 Death before discomfort?!
Dog Training Q&A What Would Jeff Do?
Real Talk with Jeff and Joelle #5 Death before discomfort?!
June 12, 2022
We often hear the terms "never train with pain!" "fear should never be used when training a dog" "never say no to a dog"   Unfortunately all these common catch phrases are made to "help" dogs, but the truth is, the force free ideology is...
We often hear the terms "never train with pain!" "fear should never be used when training a dog" "never say no to a dog"
Unfortunately all these common catch phrases are made to "help" dogs, but the truth is, the force free ideology is letting millions of dogs down all over the world. The dogs are the ones paying the highest price for the lack of proper training out there.
Every day we work with dogs who are "untrainable"....and we are able to completely turn them around and give them better lives than they could have EVER had without training. The tools we (and thousands of other trainers out there) use, are being demonized with every passing day.
We know that correcting unwanted behavior works, Period. We specialize in aggression rehab and behavior modification, and we have never seen a dog get worse from being corrected for dangerous behaviors.
This podcast gives our take on the death before discomfort ideology along with a few other thoughts we have about pet dogs in general in today's society.
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