with Robin Copernicus (trailer episode)
July 30, 2021 is a founder-first podcast that highlights resilient founders who are at the early stages of building their company. We discuss current bootstrap initiatives in your business, how to get traction with your first paying customers, and what it means to keep all your equity without giving it away to venture capitalists. is a founder-first podcast that highlights resilient founders who are at the early stages of building their company. We discuss current bootstrap initiatives in your business, how to get traction with your first paying customers, and what it means to keep all your equity without giving it away to venture capitalists.

Just like the music industry has been democratized to allow musicians to skip million dollar record deals and launch on their own terms, venture building has democratized to allow startup founders to skip investor funding and create impact without compromise.

We help get the important message of resilient founders have to share on their journey of creating massive impact without compromise.