Present and Sober
How did Sam and Ellie Meet?
April 16, 2024
Join us as we reminisce about our serendipitous meeting, share hilarious anecdotes, and reflect on how and why we started the Present & Sober podcast. A fun and heartwarming behind-the-scenes look at our journey (that includes you, listeners!).
Present and Sober Podcast 
Episode 151
How did Sam and Ellie Meet?

Join us as we reminisce about our serendipitous meeting, share hilarious anecdotes, and reflect on how and why we started the Present & Sober podcast. A fun and heartwarming behind-the-scenes look at our journey (that includes you, listeners!). 

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Don't forget to...

And now for that disclaimer...

Nothing on the Present & Sober podcast, including Ellie, Sam's and our guest's opinions, is a substitute for medical advice. Don’t stop drinking suddenly if you’re physically dependent on alcohol. Seek help for any withdrawal symptoms from a medical professional.