Tapping Into Abundant Success
Living Life from the Heart: The Key to Abundant Success
July 1, 2023
Vicki interviews Colleen Lindberg, who is a believer that abundance is a birthright. Colleen states that with the right energy, mindset and motivation, one can achieve financial abundance. Additionally, healing one’s “money wound” helps prevent passing on negative patterns to future generations. Colleen emphasizes the importance of living life from the heart to align with one's soul mission and tapping into spiritual gifts to unlock abundant success. Colleen also shares her experience owning her psychic abilities and encourages others to do the same.
Join Colleen, Vicki and 15 other global keynote speakers for this upcoming summit, July 10th - 13th 2023. This event is specifically for Spiritual Entrepreneurs and those who are embracing their spiritual side to make a massive impact in the world.

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