Going full-time Crypto to find the next 100x with Archon
February 1, 2022
Today on the show, we will hear the story of Archon (@Archon_0x). You might know Archon from Crypto Twitter, Discord and his work with Venture DAOS, Qi Capital (@Qi_Capital) and 0X Ventures (@0x_Ventures). Archon and his fellow DAO members are always looking to find and fund the next Thorchain, Luna or Olympus DAO but also do not shy back from getting their hands dirty and helping new projects with their services.
About defire

defire is a podcast making crypto more fun, engaging and accessible for everyone. Jonas (@defiremoney) is interviewing the most exciting minds in the crypto-sphere and brings their stories to life.

** The ONLY financial advice you will hear on this Show **

Protect your Crypto from Hackers, Black Swan events and phishing attacks.
Investing in a Hardware Wallet is a no-brainer for everyone who holds more than $500 in crypto.

Here are two options I can fully recommend. (It really doesn't matter which one. Just get one today!)


BitBox02 Hardware Wallet by Shift-Crypto

👉 Buy your BitBox from the official Shop


Ledger Nano 

👉 Buy your Ledger directly from the official Shop


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Today on the show, we will hear the story of Archon (@Archon_0x). You might know Archon from crypto Twitter, Discord and his work with Venture DAOS, Qi Capital (@Qi_Capital) and 0X Ventures (@0x_Ventures). Archon and his fellow DAO members are always looking to find and fund the next Thorchain, Luna or Olympus DAO but also do not shy back from getting their hands dirty and helping new projects with their services.

Visit the defire website for a full transcript, links and show notes.