Mind Witchery
A High Achiever's Spell for Self-Forgiveness
March 24, 2022
This week’s spell is for those of us who’ve been told we’re Exceptional, and have internalized the message that we can’t ever let ourselves fail.
This week’s spell is for those of us

who’ve been told we’re Exceptional,

and have internalized the message

that we can’t ever let ourselves fail.

Mistakes are not only inevitable,

they’re invaluable.

Every mistake we make,

every failure we experience

helps us to learn more about

who we’re truly meant to become.

Mentioned: Neko Case’s song I’m an Animal.

Dr. Carol Dweck’s book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success.

Make Magic:

What wisdom could you glean,

about life, about people, about yourself,

if you gave yourself permission

to embrace your mistakes?

Who could you be if you weren’t so afraid

of getting it wrong?

Transcript: A High Achiever's Spell for Self-Forgiveness - https://nataliekmiller.com/mindwitchery/55