Relationships First
Dealing With People You Can't Stand
November 23, 2022
Sometimes you've got no choice... and you have to be around people you don't like or care for. Whether in a personal or professional situation, in this episode, David Dubé is going to share some tips, tools, and techniques one can use when having to deal with someone you may not like.
Whether in a professional environment or during family gatherings, sometimes we've got to deal with people we do not like. Well, here are some tips, tools, and techniques you can use to deal with those people.

Record the Events
If the harassment is something that's crude in nature, it's a good idea to record them. It's also easy to do in this day and age as we all carry phones. Sure, recording video is great and all but is much more difficult to do and not get caught, so it is recommended you use audio. Headphones or earbuds are great for doing just this, they're discreet and are made to pick up voices while cutting out other noises (consider doing some testing before going out). By recording you enable yourself to have evidence you can show others - especially in the case of bringing in law enforcement or legal action against the harasser.

Find a friend, partner, or confidant. 
This would be someone you enjoy hanging out with or someone who'd have your back in case something happens between you and the person you don't like. If the individual picks on you or harasses you then your friend can aid you in multiple ways...

If you don't have the ability to find a friend, sometimes it's best to avoid the person at all costs. Certainly, this can become very difficult especially if the person is your boss or is someone who's just very persistent. However, if unavoidable, then it's recommended (especially if harassment is occurring) to record the interactions in case things escalate. (Use extreme caution when doing this - and know that audio is easier to record without being caught)

Report to Authority
Tell someone you can trust who will do something about it. In a family setting, maybe it's the owner of the house the party is at or the patriarch of the family. If it's a work setting tell the boss, however, if the direct boss is buddy-buddy with the harasser or that person is the culprit, then go above their head to the bosses boss. If neither of those is the solution for you in a work environment then consult an attorney or seek law enforcement.

Make sure you have an Audience
It's always safest, if confronting someone, to have an audience. People are less likely to get violent or do something stupid when an audience is present. This also allows you to have others who can corroborate your side of events if things are to get out of hand.

Deflate them
Sometimes there's no way to avoid the person who's harassing us, well, in those cases maybe you consider deflating them. There are two ways of doing this, first is to not allow what they say to bother you. People lose interest in picking on someone they don't get a reaction from. Another way is to agree with them and even give them some advice on how to pick on you. This can take the fun out of their poking and prodding at you and they'll lose interest in doing it.

Make Nice
Probably the toughest out of the bunch, yet, still worth considering. Sometimes the one harassing us just needs some love and attention. Consider sitting next to them and begin asking questions about their personal life. Once they realize you actually do care about them they lose interest in picking on you.

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