Shop4aBiz Podcast
Habits of Health Program with Dawn Placer
May 15, 2021
Shop4aBiz interview with Dawn Placer from "Habits of Health" Program. Hello and welcome to this episode of shop 4 a biz and today we have with us, Dawn Placer from habits of health program. Take it away. Thank you very much dan and thank you so much for inviting me here. I'm very excited to share some information about the habits of health programs...
Dawn Placer from the Habits of Health Program - Interview.

Hello and welcome to this episode of shop 4 a biz and today we have with us, Dawn Placer from habits of health program. Take it away. Don thank you very much dan and thank you so much for inviting me here. I'm very excited to share some information about the habits of health programs. So I'd like to begin by saying it would be so easy for me to just tell about how the habits of health program will absolutely get you to your goal weight. But what I would really like to emphasize is how it is so much more then just and we hate this word, a diet. Um it is after all called the habits of health. So we talked a lot about habits that help you be your ultimate healthy person. We talk about sleep, stress, your surroundings, your environment um you know, and then for current situation, of course we have Covid. Everybody talks about how they put on weight because of covid. I can't go to the gym. So another habit I think I briefly mentioned it is mindset we always get stuck in this run of I can't I can't go to the gym so I'm gaining weight, right? I'm not in the office so I'm sitting down or so I'm in my kitchen. Well, what about what you can do? I used to go to the gym. So instead I bought a yoga mat, a yoga ball. Right. And I decided, what can I do to make myself stay my ultimate healthy self and not use Covid as just another excuse. You know, that's another thing. We have so many excuses. I'm gonna wait till after the wedding. I'm gonna wait till after my birthday until after the holiday. We always easily can grab onto excuses and it is unfortunately human nature to do that. But we have to turn around our mindset and think about, well what if I started now? How would I feel when that holiday comes if I started now, what would that look like? Right. Right, so we again have to change our mindset. We have to create habits of health. It's all about those habits, right? And we talk about our why when you really have a strong intrinsic why to motivate you, you have a passion for your purpose. And when you have that passion for your purpose, we like to say you will move icebergs to get what you want right? The iceberg was all about, everybody sees the happy you, the good you. We always hide what we don't want people to see that's the underneath. But when you have that passion, when you have that, why you realize you can do anything to fix that underneath so that you build up the upper part more, right? It's all about being positive, yep. And we think about we are the obstacle right again. What can't I do? But on the other hand, we are also the way split that switch. Think about what you can do and you become the way how can I, what can I write? What are you willing to sacrifice in order to affect change? Won't you share the contact information? Whatever you would like to share. Website or email or anything? Sure. So a good phone number for me is 7 32 6166816 Or you can email me at dawning health at gmail dot com. And if you want to learn more about what the habits of health has to offer um at a high level from the habit standpoint, you can go to habits of health dot com.