Change Navigatorā„¢
Change Navigatorā„¢
"Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." John F. Kennedy knew what he was saying when he described our need to envision the memory of our future because if we stay in our past or just live in the present we will never create our ideal future. My name is Stacy Braiuca, the Change Navigatorā„¢ Squirrel Wranglerā„¢, & Technology Therapistā„¢. Ambitious, dedicated leaders hire me to guide them to create connections, congruencies, and change to envision their future memories because most are disconnected, inauthentic, and terrified of change. So I bring 30 years of experience in change, a full atlas of tools, and a herd of squirrels to guide them to maximize Connections, become Congruent, and enjoy Change. Bottom line... if you don't remember your tomorrow, you will not have the right formula and miss out on your today. Let's find your formula Stacy Braiuca, MSW, MPH, LCSW, LSCSW, Certified Master Practitioner of NLP, MERĀ®, and Hypnosis (Change Navigatorā„¢Squirrel Wranglerā„¢, & Technology Therapistā„¢) is the sole proprietor for Braiuca Enterprises, LLC. With a 25+ year career as a therapist, public health educator, and geek fanatic, I know that humans want to change, but donā€™t know how or donā€™t want to do the work to change. But, change is one of the few ā€œconstantsā€ in life and is also vital TO life. I have spent my career guiding others through the change process, from anxiety about technology to intricate life situations, to grow beyond their wildest expectations. I am now on a mission to spread both the tenacity to grow through change and to have more work/life balance in this world, so we can all focus on our human relationships.
Let's get this party started...AGAIN!
December 26, 2023 • 16 MIN
Introduction of Stacy Braiuca via a shortened version of her Connections, Congruency, and Change Signature Talk Episodes of the šŸ§­Ā Change Navigatorā„¢ & šŸæ Squirrel Wranglerā„¢ coming in 2024