CEO Anonymous With Purdeep Sangha
How Peer Support Can Transform CEO Success: Nancy MacKay Explains
June 5, 2024
Join host Purdeep Sangha in this enlightening episode of "CEO Anonymous" featuring Dr. Nancy MacKay, CEO of MacKay Forums. With over 20 years of experience in providing peer support for CEOs, Nancy delves into the critical aspects of what CEOs should be looking for in peer groups to navigate the complexities of their roles. Discover the significance of finding the right peer group, the evolving challenges of mental health and AI, and the unique business dynamics between the US and Canada. Gain insights into how collaborative communities can help CEOs achieve work-life balance, drive productivity, and master time management. Whether you’re a CEO feeling isolated or looking to elevate your leadership game, this episode is packed with valuable advice and experiences. Tune in now!
**Episode Overview:**

In this insightful episode of CEO Anonymous, host Purdeep Sangha sits down with Nancy MacKay, the CEO and founder of MacKay Forums, to discuss the pivotal role that peer groups play in the lives of CEOs. Nancy shares her extensive experience and wisdom garnered over 20 years in helping CEOs navigate the complexities of leadership. She sheds light on the importance of finding the right peer group, the mental health crisis among executives, the impact of AI on industries, and the differences in doing business between the US and Canada.

**Key Takeaways:**

1. **Importance of Peer Support:**

- Nancy emphasizes the significance of connecting with like-minded individuals at similar career stages for mutual support.

- MacKay Forums, with about 1200 members across 100 groups, meets 7 times a year, ensuring minimal time commitment but maximum impact.

2. **Diversity and Inclusion:**

- The forums focus on diversity, with over 34% women in their peer groups, and emphasize time mastery to help CEOs thrive in all aspects of their lives.

3. **Challenges and Mental Health:**

- CEOs face significant people-related challenges both in business and personal contexts.

- Nancy highlights the growing mental health challenges among CEOs, pointing to the need for peer support and specialized mental health resources.

4. **Impact of AI:**

- An exponential change world necessitates discussions on AI's impact on industries, and MacKay Forums aims to offer relevant insights through specialized sessions.

5. **Business Environment in the US vs. Canada:**

- Purdeep and Nancy compare the entrepreneurial and capitalist spirit in the US with the economic challenges in Canada.

- They discuss the importance of collaboration, trust, and investment in addressing productivity issues in Canada.

6. **McKay Forums Vision:**

- Nancy's vision for the next decade includes expanding globally while maintaining a focus on high-impact, time-efficient peer groups that support CEOs' success without compromising their health and personal lives.

7. **Connecting with MacKay Forums:**

- For those interested in joining or learning more about MacKay Forums, visit []( or reach out to Nancy directly at

**Final Words:**

Purdeep supports the necessity for CEOs to join peer groups, complementing Nancy's efforts in fostering a nurturing environment for top executives. The episode closes with an acknowledgment of the ongoing challenges CEOs face and an appreciation for the listeners’ engagement.

**Tune in to CEO Anonymous to explore the dynamic world of executive leadership and peer support with leading experts like Nancy MacKay!**



- MacKay Forums: [](

- Contact Nancy MacKay:

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